Please answer the following questions.
*Where do plants get the energy they need to grow?
Answer: They get the energy to the sun.
*What do plants use the sun's energy to manufacture?
Answer: They use the sun's energy to manufacture the sugar.
*What do plants use most of their energy for?
Answer: They use most of their energy to the leaves or absorbed by the plants and warms them.
*How much of the energy that the plant captures through photosynthesis ends up stored as starch in the kernel?
Answer: The 5% of the energy.
*For what does the cow use the energy from the corn?
Answer: The cow uses the energy to produce and power it's muscle cells.
*How much of the energy stored in the corn gets passed on to you in burgers?
Answer: 10% of the energy.
*For what do you use the energy in the burgers?
Answer: I use the energy to think, grow, jump,and anything that the humans do.
*How would eating more plants help us better feed the many people in the world?
Answer: You lose 90% of the captured solar energy by passing it through animals.
*What else besides energy do we get from plants and animals? When we eat them?
Answer: We also get the nutrients of the plants.
|By: Sofia Nicole T. Bañas VII Sikat|